Thank you for choosing Wellington Village Orthodontics for your orthodontics needs and the time you’re taking to provide us a review. We always strive to provide the best possible service and we hope that you spread the word about our clinic team. Please select how you would like to give us a review.

Giving us a review on Google:

Review Page Google

If you already have a Gmail account you can easily write a review on our Google+ Local page.
Simply follow this link: CLICK HERE

Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find a title that says, “Been there? Share your experience.” or “Reviews”.

Look for the “Write a review” button, click and follow the directions. Please note that you must have a gmail address to provide us a review on Google.

Instructions for giving us a review on Facebook:

Review Page Facebook

Just click on the following link:

Once on our Facebook page, just follow the instructions below:

To like our Facebook page, please just click on the Like button near the top right of the page.
To provide us a recommendation on Facebook, look for the Recommendations box, select the number of stars and tell us what you think about our business.

Instructions for giving us a traditional review

Please fill out the form below to send us a regular testimonial. Thanks in advance for your help.

    First Name *
    Last Name *
    Email Address*
    Phone Number


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